Miskolc - Debrecen Airport

number of passengers one way return way
1-3 50 000 Ft 100 000 Ft

Oradea - Debrecen Airport

number of passengers one way return way
1-3 50 000 Ft 100 000 Ft

Nyíregyháza - Debrecen Airport

number of passengers one way return way
1-3 30 000 Ft 60 000 Ft

In case of other towns there are special fees, please call our customer service.

Debrecen, Miskolc, Nyíregyháza, Tiszaújváros and its surroundings - Budapest airport

number of passengers one way return way
1 25 000 Ft   50 000 Ft
2 45 000 Ft   80 000 Ft
3 55 000 Ft 100 000 Ft
4 65 000 Ft 120 000 Ft
5 75 000 Ft 140 000 Ft
6 85 000 Ft 160 000 Ft
7 90 000 Ft 170 000 Ft
8 95 000 Ft 180 000 Ft

Extra charges: In case of travelling from / to Debrecen,  Nyíregyháza, Miskolc, Tiszaújváros, Gyöngyös we do not count extra charges but in case of travelling from / to other cities please inform from our customer service. 

Late night extra charge: Regarding flights departing between 00:00am and 07:00am and flights landing between 00:00am and 06:00am the following private transfer prices are valid:

Private transfer

Debrecen, Miskolc, Nyíregyháza, Eger, Tiszaújváros and its surroundings - Budapest airport

number of passengers one way return way
1-3    80 000 Ft  160 000 Ft
4-8 100 000 Ft

200 000 Ft

Privat transfer order within 72 hours:

number of passengers one way return way
1-3    90 000 Ft  180 000 Ft
4-8 110 000 Ft 220 000 Ft

Debrecen, Hajdúszoboszló, Nyíregyháza, Miskolc, Tiszaújváros, Eger, Szolnok and its surroundings - Wien airport

number of passengers one way return way
1-3 160 000 Ft 320 000 Ft
4-8 200 000 Ft 400 000 Ft

Debrecen, Hajdúszoboszló, Nyíregyháza, Miskolc, Tiszaújváros, Eger, Szolnok,  and its surroundings - Bratislava airport

number of passengers one way return way
1-3 160 000 Ft 320 000 Ft
4-8 200 000 Ft 400 000 Ft